
Skills Matrix Template

Skills Matrix Template

Kahuna’s skills matrix helps you visualize your workforce skills gaps. But to get the most out of this data, you have to build the right foundation. Download Kahuna’s how-to guide and template to get started with your operational skilling program, and learn how to build a comprehensive skills framework that fully represents the needs of your business.


Sample Skills RFP

Sample Skills RFP

Searching for the right skills management software solution to meet your exact needs can be tricky. That’s why we’ve put together our Sample Skills Management RFP. It guides you in creating a skills management software proposal quickly and efficiently as well as answers our most commonly asked questions.


Competency Program Roles & Responsibilities

Competency Program Roles & Responsibilities

Check out this Roles & Responsibilities Template for a detailed breakdown of common functions, roles, and responsibilities involved in operating a healthcare competency program throughout its lifecycle. Depending on the size and scope of the project, the structure of the healthcare system, and the underlying culture, the optimal definition of responsibilities and specific roles may vary. However, this template serves as a robust starting point.



The Connected Worker: Tracking & Developing Skills on the Plant Floor

In manufacturing, much of employee onboarding and training is done on the plant floor. Kahuna enables individuals throughout the organization to use real-time skills data to ensure the workforce is operating with the right skills at the right time, increasing productivity, safety, and quality.


Skills Program Roles & Responsibilities

Skills Program Roles & Responsibilities

Check out this Roles & Responsibilities Template for a detailed breakdown of common functions, roles, and responsibilities involved in operating a skills program throughout its lifecycle. Depending on the size and scope of the project, the organizational structure of the business, and the underlying culture, the optimal definition of responsibilities and specific roles may vary. However, this template serves as a robust starting point for the majority of organizations.


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